Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kansas City Salvatioin

we shared with one guy on the street in Kansas City who prayed to receive Christ. In fact, it was a cinch. I shared the Gospel asked him if he wanted to pray to receive Christ, he said "yes." so we did!

Also, another unbelievable moment happened with Jack, eric, and i. we were taken inside a Islamic Mosk and met the leader. I can't even tell you about that right now. I have to wait to tell you in person. I will say however, we were scared out of our minds.

we are planning to travel tomorrow to St. Louis and do some more street evangelism. God has been so good and opened up marvelous doors. Worship Him tomorrow with your whole heart Ewing Road. We love you all and look forward to returning to tell you all about it.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Drama for your Momma!

Well, we have a dilemma here in Kansas City. The forecast is calling for rain for the next three days. We were scheduled to do Street Evangelism with MidWestern Seminary teams tomorrow but it doesn't look like that is going to take place. So, pray for us now. We are actually looking at rerouting our way back to Austell to stop off is some other cities.

Don't forget there were times in Paul's missionary journey when he had to reroute as well and it turned out for the Glory of God. So, there must be some folks in other cities whom God desires for us to share the Gospel with...who knows? We will still knock out our interviews today and pray for wisdom as we head in another direction...this means we will miss the Chief Game Sunday and tailgating evangelism, but I am sure we will find another opportunity.

Keep us in your prayers and we will keep you in our prayers. Remember today at 9:30 we will be with Lenexa Baptist church and this afternoon around 230 or 3 we will be at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Then, according to our rerouting plan, we may be "on the road again."

So it has been a little drama for the documentary with the rain, but it should make for good television.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

On the Road Again....

We stopped off at Fall Creek baptist church and had an awesome interview with John Newland....Wait till you hear all he had to say. well, to be honest today was the driving day. we actually traveled through two states. We are currently in Kansas City, Missouri. we spent all day driving to get here, literally. Tomorrow and saturday are eventful days. We have couple of interviews and some more editing to knock out. And Saturday it is street evangelism here in KC. I am so excited about it because we are actually meeting up with Mid Western Seminary and there street evangelism teams.

Keep us in your prayers. Jeff isn't feeling so good today so pray for him too.

LEchia! I am so pumped to hear that you are sharing the gospel. get after it girl. And there is actually a section in the Send ME study which is set aside for the hindu religion.

Susie, just wanted you to know that this blog does not do spell check nor does it check all of the grammar. So church, please forgive me for all my typos.

During the trip RJ has taught us the new word for "crib" which is actually "trap." so we have now begun to call the RV our TRAP!

So i am headed to the back of the trap to get some shut eye. Have a nice night and keep on sharing the gospel!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Any Colt Fans out there?

We cruised into Indianapolis just after lunch today to do some street evangelism. I know Erin (Sp?) Ashcraft would be jealous with us here in Payton country. You should have seen it. We just went to the downtown circle and shared the gospel with anyone who would listen. we got a few could know...people weren't interested. however, we had opportunity to share with a ton of folks.

Praise the Lord one soul made a decision to place his faith in Christ. His name was Marcus and Eric shared the Gospel with him. Those experiences keep you sharing your faith over and over. however, remember, like we tell the Go Tell Ministry team we are successful witnesses not simply when folks come to Christ but when we share. we are simply called to share.

Church, please hear the heartbeat of your pastor. We as a staff are no different than each of you. God has called us to salvatoin just as he called you. I really just want to see each of you catch a vision of the impact our congregation could have if we all just shared the Gospel. The city of Austell needs a light to shine in the darkness...we can be that light. Please, don't just pray for us to share and be who God has called us to do. Let's all join together, pray and share and be who God has called us to be together. Come on! Life is way to short. Don't give all your energy, efforts, and dreams to that which makes no eternal difference.

Also, thanks a ton for all of the comments we have begun to receive. You really encourage when you show your support. By the way, Sarah Kirkland, congrats on the wedding and yes RJ has changed clothes, but he still smells a bit. JK...

I'll post some pics from today's journey tonight. We are getting things prepared for editing and also going to worship at a local church.

Love you all and can't wait to share with you what God is up to. Let us dream together.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

pics from eric

Witnessing at Ohio State

Ohio State University

Jack Kwok
Executive Director of Ohio State Convention

Prayer Room at the southern baptist seminary prayer room

Dr. Chuck Lawless.

Where are we?

Today has been a bit slow overall but wonderful as far as content is concerned! We have approximately 5-6 hours in video footage. We are currently in Clarksville Indiana at their local KOA breaking the footage down and preparing it for final edit.

Today we had the overwhelming privilege of interviewing Chuck Lawless who is the current Dean of the Billy Graham School of Evangelism located at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville Kentucky. You should have seen us, we practically rearranged his whole office and had it set up and ready for interview in about 20 minutes. wait until you hear what we learned from him. He was remarkable with quick insight on personal evangelism which I feel was tops. He was not only insightful but displayed a very personable characteristic. In fact, if I lived near this city I would love to spend some more time with him. He had actually read the blog prior to us coming, (so Dr. Lawless if you are reading this again know we greatly appreciate your time and wisdom.)

Alright fellowship, we are headed to Indianapolis tomorrow. We will hang out downtown and do some street evangelism and take some more footage. So pray for more souls to come to Christ.

This is just for free: You should see your staff at work! It is amazing how God has gifted all of us to accomplish the precise roles needed for this tour. You have Jeff, the master administrator. As soon as we hit a spot to interview someone he introduces the crew (us) and then gives an overview of what's going on at Ewing Road. The rest of us rush to put everything together. Once it is all put together, you have RJ (who I have started calling Roger, for no apparent reason) and he is behind the camera. He is so gifted! he knows just where the lights should be and how to get the best angle for the interviews. You have DJ Jack B. running all the video equipment, editing, creating, and keeping stuff looking like we know what we are doing. Then you have Eric. eric has been helping with the sound for the video feed and adding great value to the project with his ability to take photos. I am going to try and upload a few of those for you to view tonight. then you have me, I am basically along for the ride. I have kind of taking the lead on being the interviewer...which I actually like. Good shouldn't hear me or see me during the interviews. I know ya'll see and and hear enough...

Pray for us and leave a comment for crying out loud...let me know you are checking us out.


Monday, September 8, 2008


Well, I apologize for not letting you in on yesterday's travel, no access to internet in Kentucky...Three Springs RV Park that is. However, we are in Ohio and all I can say is wow. we are hanging out at a new rv park listening to RJ, Eric, and jack play a little, or attempt to play some james taylor.

But let me tell you a bit about the day. The interviews began our day as we talked with several key leaders within baptist life in Ohio. Our interviews consisted of focusing on having a burden for the lost, how to share the Gospel and even some creative methods which congregations are using to penetrate their communities. My prayer is that our congregation would be inspired to dream of creative ways to penetrate our community. Our job as a staff is to equip the congregation to do the work of the ministry. Because I am such a hands on type of leader, I am seeking to use this time we have to learn how to better equip and empower ErBC to jump out there at get after it. So please, if you are reading this blog be patient as i learn to be the best pastor for Christ and you as i can be.

Following our interviews we took the camera equipment and hit Ohio State University campus and did man/woman on the street interviews. I can't wait for you guys to see it. It was great. One we didn't film was a guy who had just moved here a month ago from china. He had no religious background at all. So i started with God the creator just as we learned from our friend from Cambodia jack. Following this I went in to how God created him and sin separated him, etc., long story short the guy bowed his head and prayed to receive Christ! WOW!

Tomorrow we hit the streets to talk with Chuck Lawless who is a difficult man to connect with, we are blessed God gave us the opportunity...keep us in your prayers and email the blog to your friends. we will try to upload some pics as well before the night is out.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

RV Rental

We have the rv! It is amazing to see how God has taken a simple idea and expanded it to become an evangelism tour. My prayer is that the interviews, evangelism opportunities, and experience will be caught on DVD with the expressed purpose of encouraging others to reach out. In fact, prayerfully consider the fact that this project, Send Me, could impact not simply our congregation but others. I sit in anticipation looking forward to see what God will do.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


God gives dreams to his people. The dreams become a reality only when his people place their complete faith in him. So often when God puts something on our hearts which only he can accomplish, we begin to ask the most carnal/fleshly questions. How much money will that take? How many people do we have? Typically doubt and fears cause us to give up on God's dream for our lives. However, I want to challenge all who read this blog to think beyond the flesh and realize that in God's economy, he takes the small and does great big things! This way man cannot boast in his own strength but can only point to God. So stop thinking small, get out of the boat, walk on water, dream with God.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Just around the corner

Yes! We are a bit crazy. The staff team a ewing road is so thankful to be serving such a wonderful congregation. Oftentimes when a staff comes up with an idea like the "Send Me Tour" it would be shot down pretty quick. So we are so thankful for the opportunity to take this tour and use it to better equip our congregation in the area of evangelism.

This blog will be up throughout the duration of the "Send Me Tour" and bring you updates throughout the mission. You can keep in touch with us by leaving your comments and prayer requests. For more information on the "Send Me Tour" visit us on the web at
