Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Any Colt Fans out there?

We cruised into Indianapolis just after lunch today to do some street evangelism. I know Erin (Sp?) Ashcraft would be jealous with us here in Payton country. You should have seen it. We just went to the downtown circle and shared the gospel with anyone who would listen. we got a few could know...people weren't interested. however, we had opportunity to share with a ton of folks.

Praise the Lord one soul made a decision to place his faith in Christ. His name was Marcus and Eric shared the Gospel with him. Those experiences keep you sharing your faith over and over. however, remember, like we tell the Go Tell Ministry team we are successful witnesses not simply when folks come to Christ but when we share. we are simply called to share.

Church, please hear the heartbeat of your pastor. We as a staff are no different than each of you. God has called us to salvatoin just as he called you. I really just want to see each of you catch a vision of the impact our congregation could have if we all just shared the Gospel. The city of Austell needs a light to shine in the darkness...we can be that light. Please, don't just pray for us to share and be who God has called us to do. Let's all join together, pray and share and be who God has called us to be together. Come on! Life is way to short. Don't give all your energy, efforts, and dreams to that which makes no eternal difference.

Also, thanks a ton for all of the comments we have begun to receive. You really encourage when you show your support. By the way, Sarah Kirkland, congrats on the wedding and yes RJ has changed clothes, but he still smells a bit. JK...

I'll post some pics from today's journey tonight. We are getting things prepared for editing and also going to worship at a local church.

Love you all and can't wait to share with you what God is up to. Let us dream together.



erin said...

Yea I am! haha! Thats so awesome that Marcus came to know the Lord! I am praying for each one of you!

eunice said...

Wonderful! It's awesome that you guys choose to go and tell others about Jesus Christ. May God prepare in advance the hearts of those you'll share the gospel with. May you and families be blessed in all ways. We miss you and pray for you everyday. Keep up the great work.

Susie said...

Levi, I love all the typo's. I am having a really fun time trying to figure out what you are saying (JK). I love hearing all the fun stories of how God is using all of you in such intricate ways! Aidan and I are praying for you daily. As a matter of fact, Aidan just said his first word, "JESUS." He is such a genius!

Carrie said...

I am so excited about your trip and all that God is doing (even if you did take my husband away and leave me with sick kids just to get sick myself!!). I have been praying for you guys and every evening I can't wait to hear about what has happened on the tour. I am so excited to see how God is going to use this documentary and study to challenge people- I have already been challenged through your blog and Jack's blog too! Stay safe, change lives and have fun the rest of the tour!

Lechia said...

Hey Guys! This is the third time I've tried to send this message. Either the devil is hard at work or I'm stupid. Just wanted to say you are encouraging the fire out of me. It is so amazing to think that all of heaven is rejoiceing over the souls you've seen saved on this trip. I have been praying for you, but thanks for reminding me that I shouldn't forget to pray for all of us to share. I did get the opportunity to share with one of the doctors that I work for this week..she is Hindu.(I'm sure your training in this area could help. She didn't pray, but the seed was planted. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Can't wait to see the video.

Unknown said...

Hey Guys,
The Great Commission is OUR commission and we are all proud of the example that you are setting. If only Jesus had had an RV! You are in our thoughts and in our Prayers. 5 men in a Mini-Wini! (Keep lots of Odor eaters and ear plugs!) Stay stafe and drive careful. (I can't fix out of state tickets! Ha Ha) Steve B.